Marketing Analysis & Pricing
Home Preparation & Staging
Marketing & Showings
Offers & Negotiation
Contract & Paperwork
Closing & Beyond

Marketing Plan

Prepare (1-2 weeks)

8X provides professional opinon of the marketability of property. Obtains professional photographs, floorplans, and relevant supporting documents.

Awareness (3-8 weeks)

Implement a comprehensive marketing strategy to highlight the property. Direct marketing to industry contacts and high probability buyers. 

Transact (4-12 weeks)

Get the deal to the finish line. Assist and mitigate issues that arise in contingency period. Collect deposit monies, provide information to conveyancing for completion.

Is hiring a REALTOR® really necessary? 

Do you really need a REALTOR to sell your property? Let’s break down the facts, without the fluff, on why you should use a REALTOR for the sale of your property.
x Maximum Exposure for your property 
x Expert in real estate pricing and transactions 
x Unbaised and neutural 3rd party to deal with prospects
x Accountability, protection, and outside perspective